Participation in Oslo Peace Forum

Participation in Oslo Peace Forum

Babafemi A. Badejo, Ph.D.

When Norway is mentioned, many people automatically think about peace. So, on landing in Oslo and picked up by Armir Sheikh, (President Foundation Dialogue for Peace), for the long drive to the city, I felt a lot of peaceful relief as I took in the greenery of the environment and chatted with Aamir who wasted no time in sharing information about his adopted country dotted with lamentations about the country he left as a kid. Bonding with Aamir was very easy as I informed him I had written my PhD dissertation on his country of origin, Pakistan. We agreed our two countries could benefit from peace that accompanies development. I knew his Foundation had joined with the Oslo Centre, headed by former Norwegian Prime Minister, Kjell Magne Bondevik to put on a seminar on Peaceful Coexistence, Religious tolerance and human trafficking. The President of the Office of His Royal Highness, Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bahrain also provided support for the Seminar.

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Participation in Oslo Peace Forum